Hema, together with her husband Hans also teaches workshops that will enhance your relationship with your significant other (husband, wife, partner, lover) as well as workshops for personal growth.

We are both Elite Certified Tantra Educators. We are combining this training and the Kripalu training that Hema has received into a unique set of workshops and coaching programs.

For couples we have the following workshops:

  • Bring back the honeymoon bliss. This 1.5 day weekend workshop is ideally suited for hetero couples or lesbian couples.

  • Bring back the honeymoon man. This 1.5 day weekend workshop is suited for gay couples as their first workshop or for hetero couples as a follow-on course after Bring back the honeymoon bliss.

For couples who prefer to have a private workshop (just you two and us two) we offer:


For individuals (men or women) we have created individual coaching programs where we work with just you:

  • Bliss breakthrough program. The objective of this coaching program is to enable you to break through all the obstacles standing between you and your bliss.

For suggestions on what tools, books, courses, or videos to buy go here.

We love getting new students. So much so that if you refer someone to us then we will send you a check! Check it all out here.

To get more information please contact us.

Hema                                          Hans
408-475-HEMA (4362)            408-656-6647
hema@hemayoga.com          hans@hemayoga.com 

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