Although this page contains links to information which I find interesting as a man and as such is meant to be a resource for other men, I do encourage women to also have a look. Anyone, feel free to share these pages.
I coach men using using a method I call Walk & Talk which seems to work best with men
My experience with the Mankind Project:
Article on how men can have multiple orgasms:
I think this article explains the best way for men to masturbate AND it has two interesting “side” effects: it makes you a better lover (who can last longer) and the exercises with the app will help the older male with keeping at bay:
Benign Prostate Enlargement
Why statins could be dangerous:
Sunscreen: it seems to do more harm then good? Sun (in moderation is good for you?). Decide for yourself:
Dr. Mercola does sell products to support his business (?) but his articles have a lot of references to scientific studies. Here is a link to the sunblock I use for running and being outside (after I get my dose of vitamin D from the sun):
Speaking of sun and why it is good for you: