Walk & Talk: a new way to find yourself and what is important to you!

What is walk & talk?

I created Walk & Talk as a way to help other men*) find out what is important to THEM in THEIR life. Too often in society men are “cajoled” into taking responsibility and take charge of areas that not really make them happy.

Some of these areas are: Social and Family Relationships, Career, Money and Personal Finances, Health, Recreation and Leisure, Life’s Routine Responsibilities, Contribution and Giving Back to Society, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health and last but not least: Sexual Intimacy.

*) I designed Walk & Talk especially for men but my service is available to all genders.

Who is this for?

Walk & Talk is for anyone who thinks “There has to be more to life”. The Walk & Talk approach is especially suited if one (or more) of the following statements apply to you:

  • I feel stuck in my life

  • I’m too busy to figure out what I really want

  • I’m not living the life of my dreams

  • I don’t feel like talking about what’s important to me

  • My sex life is dull or non-existent

  • A real man doesn’t talk about his problems

How does it work?

It starts with us signing a non disclosure agreement (NDA) which ensures that EVERYTHING we talk about is strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone else!

Then I send you a personalized (and private) online, shared, easy to use, google document in which you are asked to answer questions about the different areas in your life: how important are these areas and how do you rate yourself in each of these areas. This document is also used for you and me to add any notes and keep track of any (optional) homework. This way ALL your information is in a single place.

And then we start Walking & Talking. Typically once a week we meet for a one hour walk. Either during your lunch break or after work (or in the weekend if you prefer). We will walk in a place convenient to you. When Walking & Talking during your lunch break, I can come to your work and we Walk & Talk near there. When Walking & Talking after work or in the weekend we can walk in a place convenient to both of us. I am willing to travel up to 30 minutes by car from Sunnyvale to meet at our Walk & Talk location. Instead of walking we can also hike. Either way we walk at a pace comfortable to you.

What to expect during a walk and talk?

During our first Walk & Talk I will ask you to tell me your life’s story. Where you grew up, what your parents were like, where/what did you study, your family situation, your career etc. This is not about gathering data, this is about giving YOU the opportunity to tell the story of YOUR life as YOU see it. After this question I will ask many more questions. The questioning is based on my firm believe that YOU (and only YOU) know what goes on inside YOU and what it is YOU need to do next. Sometimes I repeat the same question and then sometimes you will give a different answer. I do not give lectures, advice (unless explicitly asked for), nor do I judge what you are saying. I am not a therapist and this is not therapy. It is just two men Walking & Talking.

Why walk & talk?

Research has shown that especially men find it much easier to have in-depth personal conversations when they do not have to look at the other person and they are both in motion. Which is why we walk AND talk. It might have something to do with the way men back in the early days of mankind would go out and hunt for food: walking together, while solving the problems of the hunt.


I've very much enjoyed Hans' style of counseling and coaching. He is an extraordinarily good listener. His pointed & wise questions helped me find & remember my inner wisdom. His guidance is excellent. And all of this during "Walk and Talk" works wonderfully. Hans is a blessing. — Stefan, age 62

My Walk and Talks with Hans are a chance for me to sift through my thoughts and feelings in a supportive, non-judgmental environment. For the first part of the session I often just spew out a bunch of cruft that has accumulated in my mind, while Hans listens. Most of those things I can then simply let go, having aired them out. A few things that come out of my mouth will have a different flavor - those are the things that are important for me to examine more closely, and Hans will often point these out with gentle guiding questions. I appreciate how Hans doesn’t try to solve my problems for me, but is there to bear witness as I discover my truth for myself. The Walk and Talks are a great opportunity for me to get outside, get some blood moving, and find some personal clarity. — F, age 40

About me (Hans)

I was born 1954 in Amsterdam and have lived in the San Francisco Bay area since 1997. I have worked in tech all of my life. Back in 2017 I participated in the Mankind Project Weekend, which led me to start doing this type of “work”.

Please contact me to find out more.


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